Good reason to get the Sunday paper!

Posted by Jen Ehrhardt on
The Target flyer in this Sunday's paper has a coupon good for a $10 gift card with any new or transferred prescription.  This coupon expires on 9/21, but it is great for any of you who have monthly prescriptions.  I will definitely be refilling my daughter's allergy medicine before the 21st.  I hate paying the whopping copay, but if I can get a FREE $10 gift card out of the deal it makes me feel a little bit better :)  In fact, I may need to stop by the store tomorrow and pick up another paper so I have an extra one of these!

*There was also another 15% off Macy's coupon good thru Monday - you can get yours without the paper by clicking HERE.  This one has quite a few restrictions, so make sure you read the fine print.


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